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Hegemonic Stability Theory: How It Relates To The Middle East

Number of pages: 8

8 pages in length. The hegemonic stability theory, which stresses the importance of a central stabilizing force that keeps a international system from breaking apart, can readily be applied to the manner by which the middle east has taken such a formidable stance within the political world. What is at the heart of middle eastern hegemony, and why is it important to understand the phenomenon of associated global conflict? These are two immensely important questions that share the same answer. At the core of global strife are the following explosive issues: nuclear power and economic development; from these two considerations grow all other reasons that instigate war between world countries, such as it being a matter of foreign policy; the concept that a free world is a safer world; the spread of democracy; to protect one’s own interests; and to create allies. All these reasons for global conflict may appear worthy, but they are really just a means by which to gain and maintain hegemonic power. One might readily argue, however, that the middle east asserts its hegemony in the most socially, economically and politically damaging ways as possible, representing the cyclical composition of its existence. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

File: LM1_TLChegem.doc

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